Possibility of Light Snowfall Today

Published 2023 Dec 03 Sunday

Kathmandu: The current weather conditions in Nepal indicate generally clear skies in the hilly areas of Koshi and Gandaki provinces, with a partial influence of westerly winds across the country.

Meteorologist Saroj Pudasaini from the Weather Forecasting Division suggests that this afternoon, there will be partial rainfall in the hilly regions of Koshi and Gandaki provinces, while the weather will remain generally clear in other areas. Additionally, there is a chance of light snowfall in isolated places in the high hills and mountainous areas of Koshi and Gandaki provinces.

In Kathmandu, the minimum temperature for today is expected to be 7.5 degrees Celsius, with the maximum temperature ranging between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. Tonight, the weather is anticipated to be generally clear in the hilly areas of Bagmati, Sudur Paschim, and Koshi.

The Weather Forecasting Division highlights the possibility of light rain in one or two locations in the hilly regions of Gandaki and Karnali Provinces, as well as Lumbini Province. Residents and travelers are advised to stay updated on the weather conditions and take necessary precautions accordingly.
